
Loveabulls uses only the BEST food for our Bulldogs
Riplee’s Ranch Dog Food

Common Bulldog Health Problems

The best medical advice anyone can give you is to find a veterinarian who is familiar with and likes Bulldogs. Some veterinarians don’t like Bulldogs, and no matter how good a vet may be, if he does not like Bulldogs, then he’s not right for you.

Know your dog: Check the entire dog daily. Note eating, playing, or if he doesn’t seem like his normal self. Some minor ailments you can treat at home. If a home remedy doesn’t cure the problem in two days, take the dog to your vet, do not wait. There are many medical conditions that cannot wait for two days. If you are not completely sure, err on the side of safety for your dog.

Just like you and I, dogs require proper attention to their physical, emotional, nutritional, and physical needs. In order for dogs to live happy, productive, long lives their owners need to be aware of the everyday well being. Look for any sudden physical changes as well.

Nutrition plays an important part in the development of a puppy into adulthood. Care must be taken to insure proper nutrition to meet their developmental needs at the various stages of their lives. Nutrition includes a proper diet, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Bulldog health starts with your breeder. Your Bulldog should see a vet for shots and checkups regularly.

Canadian French Bulldogs

Breeding is very difficult and expensive with the bulldog. It’s best left to those who are experienced with the breed and know what to do and how to do it. Breeding will not improve the health or happiness of a dog and in some cases breeding is fatal. The average life for a Bulldog is around 8 although there are many who live years beyond that. Bulldogs need to be indoors or have the proper air conditioned and heated kennel. Precautions must be taken when anesthetizing a Bulldog. Caesarian deliveries are commonly needed. An experienced Bulldog vet is always your best choice.

Bulldogs can’t swim well at all and extreme caution should be taken when a Bulldog is around water! A few inches of water in a kiddy pool outside is a welcome site to most Bulldogs. The Bulldog appreciates a daily outing but cannot tolerate hot, humid weather. He should not be expected to jog or walk great distances, or to jump from any height.

Most Bulldogs wheeze, snore, and some drool slightly. Coat care is minimal, but facial wrinkles and any folds around the tail pocket should be cleaned daily. The Bulldog’s heavy-set, low-slung body gives it a low center of gravity. His limbs are sturdy, his gait loose-jointed and shuffling.

Bulldog Health concerns: hip dysplasia, dry eye, stenotic nares, elongated soft palate, shoulder luxation, entropion, internalized tail, cherry eye, patellar luxation, urethral prolapse, vaginal hyperplasia.

Canadian French Bulldogs